Air Dirt & Ink-05 newsletter header

ADI Issue 5: What the Hell Happened Issue!

In the late 1980s I was ready to publish my own satirical publication. Looks like the roll we were on a roll stopped for five years. Ack. I note in the Publisher’s Dribble column:

Five-years in the making”—ugh, it’s tough coming back after a five-year lay off (just ask McCo .. . er, MeatLoaf). But then some things just need to be done. Besides, we were getting too far into the 90’s to not hear from the one literary voice that has always stood for “Journalistic Integrity” and “Rational Values.” Unfortunately, New York’s Newsdav went belly-up a few years back so you’re stuck with ADI.

Believe it or not, even after the long 5-year wait we have stories from returning writers, Pauline Cendejas (“‘The Christmas Legacy”) and Sandi Gobroski (formerly Albertsen, with “The Gift of Cancer”). There’s more “Sex and the Single Brain Cell” and “The Editor’s Wild Hair,” from yours truly and new contributions for Creagan McConnell, Jennifer Jackson and Matthew Bustillos. It’s hard to believe it took five years to pull together all of these stories and pack them into 24 wonderful pages

Then the Internet happened, and this would become the last published issue of Air, Dirt & Ink. I thought to use some form of the ADI moniker when I started blogging but it was pretty clear that it was way too much of an inside joke that it felt pretty much pointless. Enjoy(?).

ADI issue 5 – December 1993-January 1994

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