The big buzz for the upcoming MacWorld Expo in San Francisco is all about the rumored Apple cell phone. In typical Apple fashion it’s not enough for there to be a rumor but there’s an incredible “concept video” that’s been bouncing around the web called “iTalk.”

There were a number of enthusiastic comments attached to the video saying that if Apple came out with this thing they’d be willing to buy it for thousands of dollars. Those who know me know that I’ve been pursuing the perfect PDA/PIM combination for years. As much as I love my Palm Treo 650 and as much as it is so much better than anything I’ve had before, I have to say that I’d be willing to drink the kool-aid. Of course, none of this is even doable given Verizon’s tendency to wait years before adopting new technology and the fact that rumors indicate that this is a SIM card technology which won’t run on their CGMA cell network. All I can say is.. Shit! JBB