DSC03172 She’s smart, she’s beautiful and she becomes completely distracted and thrown off track by any cute boy who happens to come within her line of sight. Oh yeah, she is also a student of mine and she comes to me at least once a day to ask me “what does it mean when he says this….?” I consider it an honor to help this young person navigate the bullshit and confusion of early adolescence. Of course, I can’t help but notice the irony that I have spent many a night or weekend wondering the same thing for myself with my own cutie, “What the hell does it mean when she says this..?” What is that saying? “Do as I say, not as I do.” I guess I’m hoping that someone else can benefit by my own stupid mistakes of making the wrong assumptions about what my lover happened to mean when she said… whatever. Of course, I know that every generation has to learn the same damn lessons for themselves. And hopefully we all come to the point where we realize that life is just too damn short for bullshit and people who can’t walk the walk after dishing out all the bullshit talk. JBB