pcteach • First day back w/ the kids. i miss macworld… 🙁 #
• Worked on the school’s info/PR brouchure Tuesday, job well done thought I, sent it via email to the printers, IT blocked it 4 being oversized. ack #
• While I was @ MacWorld, my sub took a notebook from my kids that had the yearbook’s interviews, all of them, now it’s MIA, $h*t!!! #
• Friday, love you, but I’m a week being yearbook deadline and need to produce 40 in 3-days. Yeah! #
• wow, that made no sense, week “behind” yearbook deadline and 40-pages needed to produce… yikes #
• So, the net result of reporting broken computers in my lab is IT, playing w/ the settings causing the remaining computers 2 stall or fail #

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