
Like many, I spent the first part of the week checking of the new apps available for the iPhone. All of which explains my lack of productivity this past week (add to that I was finally able to FTP up to my website…). One app that I really held out a lot of promise for was the Evernote app. After fiddling with it a bit I wrote on my iPhone:

I was under the impression that I couldn’t create a note on my iPhone using Evernote, but here I am writing this note. Up until now I’ve written blog ideas in the notepad app on my iPhone then email them to myself for further editing on my computer. And if I wanted to edit an idea begun on my MacBook I’d email it to myself and edit it in the iPhone’s mail app. I think I’m going to like doing it in Evernote instead. Yea! jbb

A bit later I discovered that one could write new notes on the Evernote iPhone app but once the note was “saved” (to the cloud) it couldn’t be re-edited on the phone. Also, notes written elsewhere were viewable, but not editable on the iPhone. Damn.

So much for using this as a “write/edit anywhere” tool. They do promise to add the editing feature REAL SOON NOW (a phrase made famous 25-years ago in Jerry Pournelle‘s “Chaos Manor” column for BYTE Magazine). Here’s hoping. One thing that makes me all the more hopeful is how powerful Evernote is on the desktop as a web-clipping tool. I’m very impressed. Clicking on the little green Evernote elephant Firefox extension sends the contents of the page being viewed to Evernote to be stored with images and links for later usage. I know that there have been other desktop applications (including my beloved Notebook by CircusPonies), but the key here is that his information is now saved and accessible from any web device and searchable right down to text within images. [sigh] Waiting for iPhone app upgrade…. jbb


Music: Another Day from the album “If My Ancestors Could See Me Now” by Ivan Neville

“If My Ancestors Could See Me Now” (Ivan Neville)