Video Fridays: LEGO Builds Over the Past Year

I’ve been working on my SmugMug media projects website for the past few weeks and last night I edited and posted three time-lapse videos from three different LEGO kit builds from over the past year. Two of the builds from last summer were the Saturn V kit (21309) and Apollo 11 Lunar Lander kit (10266) which I built just before the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar Landing. Just before last Christmas I saw that the Dinosaur Fossils kit (21320) was released and thought that would make for a cool gift for my siblings (and myself!) I bought the kits, gave one to my girlfriend, Debra (and a separate one for myself). In January I helped Debra begin her first LEGO build experience (which I recorded time-lapse style). Being the wonderful artist that she is, she couldn’t be bothered reading the instructions and opened several parts bags at once, not knowing that you’re supposed to only open one specific bag at a time because it can be hard to keep track of all the parts otherwise… It’s been a fun experience sharing my love of LEGO with her. It turns out, especially in these trying time, that it is really important to find time to play with your friends whenever possible.

P.S., I’ve been in the process of moving my media projects to my WordPress site. It’s a work in progress. Here’s a link to my LEGO media projects:

Below each video is a link to the associated post in SmugMug my media projects website.

2019-06 LEGO Saturn V Build
2019-06 LEGO Apollo 11 Lunar Lander Build
2020-02 LEGO IDEAS Dinosaurs Fossils (21320)