I loved listening to Leo Laporte on the This Week in Tech podcast go on about tomorrow’s rumored Apple AR/VR headset announcement: 

“On the one hand we know that this is a stupid category that nobody wants… (54:01) “But I don’t even know if Apple has the horsepower to make something, that makes about 10% of its users nauseated, that seems a strike against it, has no killer app, no real utility, is very sexy the first time you use it but has very steep curve of lack… loss of interest, shall we say. I just don’t see this taking off. I really don’t.” (55:01) 

Of course this is the person who said before the announcement of the first iPhone in 2007 that no one is going to want to listen to music on their mobile phones. I’m pretty sure that he also said that the Apple Watch would crash and burn because the wristwatch had been replaced by the smartphone. Laporte is one of the best at what he does, his panel discussions are entertaining and a bit long winded (at three hours!). He’s entertaining but perhaps a bit lacking in the technology prognostication department. 

Source: Can You Smell What Tim is Cooking? This Week in Tech, episode 930, https://twit.tv/shows/this-week-in-tech/episodes/930