I’ve heard it said that Americans smile too much and it can drive some people a little bit crazy. It’s probably not a good idea to intentionally annoy anyone with a smile, but it might be a way to help someone who is stuck in their own negative thoughts. Again, I’m not suggesting that it helps anyone to throw sayings like “turn that frown upside down” at someone dealing with some difficulties. But maybe just offer your smile to give them a break from whatever challenge they are facing. It won’t make the problems go away, but it might help give them a little mental and emotional break. It might give them a chance to focus on something not taxing. See if you can’t share your smile with someone and help them as we begin our weekend. 


By the way, the image I’ve shared with this prompt is of my mom and her sister when they were little girls. I never tire seeing those innocent smiles. My mom and her sister had such a strong connection over the ninety-plus years that they shared together. It is such a gift to be able to share your smile with others.