Today we are beginning our month long Gratitude Journal. As we head toward the Thanksgiving holiday and Winter Break, we’re going to spend a couple minutes each day trying to balance our daily challenges with the gifts in our lives. Many adults have a horrible time balancing the challenges and opportunities in their lives. They often see only the bad and express their anger at “Life.” At the same time many children are shielded from life’s challenges and often fail to appreciate the sacrifices and struggles of the adults in their lives. Then they grow to be angry adults because., in their words, “It’s just not fair!” Turns out that life is both a gift and a struggle and how we choose to approach that truth is the important practice we are working toward with our Gratitude Journals. 

Yesterday we set our clocks back an hour, do you like having the “extra” hour? Did it feel like an extra hour? Did you even notice? 

2021-02-26 LV Temps
2021-02-26 LV Temps