On Saturday I shot a lot of video on the way up the mountain to Haleakala Crater and Observatory and decided that I needed to edit the clips together instead of posting all of the unedited clips. I wrote about this on Monday, Christmas Day… at which point I was dealing with what to do because my videos from Saturday were flagged for a copyright violation and it looked like my video was being blocked from embedding because of the violation. So I thought about using the iPadOS Photos.app built-in summary video feature to produce my video. The video was nice but it cut down the 8-minutes of video to just over one-minute and replaced the incidental music from the longer version. Ack. Here’s the shorter Photos.app version:

 I thought that I couldn’t embed the longer video because of the copyright violation. I ran headlong into limitations with iMovie on iPad because I couldn’t just replace the offending (or missing) audio with my own choice of copyright-free music. iMovie on iPad lets one add an audio track but I has to run from the beginning of the project and can’t be dropped in anywhere else in the timeline. But the offending music was several minutes into the project. Damn. And I had hoped to add the same music track to my still images, which had no background music. Shit. It took me over a day to figure out that I could create a movie with the stills and offending video, add the audio track from beginning to end, create a video file that I could then embed and edit into the main video. I completed that version and then uploaded it to YouTube. There was a copyright notice but it looked like the video wasn’t blocked. Imagine my disappointment after all of my efforts when I was greeted with the following screen:

2023-12-23 YouTube Embed Error Message in Blog Post
2023-12-23 YouTube Embed Error Message in Blog Post

I couldn’t figure out what was going on and decided to publish the post anyway. Imagine my surprise when the embedded video worked anyway (fingers crossed). I don’t know why I’m getting the error message, but I might have been able to post the original video. Ack. One good thing is that I’ve decided to post the Photo.app summary videos with the still images too. Happy holidays, y’all.