Matt. 9:27-31 – Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

jesus healing a blind man
jesus healing a blind man

As with the Father & his Daughter (Matt. 9:18) and the woman with internal bleeding (Matt 9:22), Jesus grants that the healing of these two men will be “according to their faith.” This says a great deal about their faith in who Jesus is. The irony is that here are to physically blind men who see much better than the “sighted” religious leaders (next verses) because the religious leaders have their own agenda that prevents them from really grasping what it is that Jesus is doing with his healing.

Interestingly, while the men’s faith was enough for them to be healed but their capacity to obey a direct command from Jesus wasn’t up to the task. So, instead of “telling no one” they told everyone. Ack. It is amazing how, even after recieving the most incredible gift, we can manage to go right out and stumble over our own eagerness. We are loved by a most amazing Savior who stretches out his hand to heal us and guide us and we accept his gift but stumble over his instruction. And yet through all of this it doesn’t change how much he loves us. Incredible. JBB 5/14/2004