Matt. 11:20 – Judgment to Those Who Saw But Didn’t Believe
Following up on his comments above about how they failed to see what God was doing like foolish children, in these verses the camparison is drastic and terminal. To the extent that they are compared to Sodom is chilling. At the same time it points out that even if miracles are performed by the Master himself there will always be those who will not see. The question for me is what am I doing with the miracles that are happening all around me? Am I ignoring them or am I able to see them for what they are worth and using them to build my faith? When I think about Jesus’ denouncement of these cities and the miracles in my life I am motivated to do better. I’m reminded of the verses in Luke: “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48). Jesus denounced these cities for having recieved these miracle only to remain unrepented. What is it that I’ve done with all that I’ve been given? JBB 6/15/2004

Female hands and candle flame close up on black background by Marco Verch Professional Photographer
Female hands and candle flame close up on black background by Marco Verch Professional Photographer