success is small efforts repeated
success is small efforts repeated – R. Collier

It seems to be true that one can accomplish huge things if you break it down to very small achievable steps. The U.S. space program went from never putting a human in orbit to going to and landing on the moon, by breaking the mission down to much smaller steps. What small steps can you do this week that might lead to much bigger success over time?

I didn’t consciously mean to invoke the “one small step” Neil Armstrong quote from the 1969 moon landing, but there you go. Small steps… in a busy schedule this translates down to are you doing every day at least one thing that is connected to the one (or more) important things that you are trying to achieve. For me, in as much as I’ve shared over and over again, that I want to follow up my public school teaching career with something writing/media related, doing these Daily Reflection Prompts are playing a big role in spending some time every day writing (even if it isn’t connected to some Great American Novel I have tucked away in my sub-conscious…). Small steps, practiced over and over again, daily.

What are you doing every day that’s bringing you closer to the success you are working towards?

Following is a photo essay I made in 1991 as part of one of my journalism/photography classes at CSUF. Enjoy:

  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - opening
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - serious writing
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - first sentence
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - pondering first sentence
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - editing first sentence
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - computer help
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - first sentence/second draft
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - writing stats
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - headache
  • 1991-06 COMM319 Photojournalism - Slides - Casual- Frustrated Writer - better option/distractions