JBB’s Final Thoughts Episode 42: Another Transition/Another Reset

Thirty-two months after my last podcast, I’m back at it and just in time for my retirement from teaching… What’s next on the horizon, I have no idea… but like everything else, it should prove to be an adventure. Please join me as I restart this effort to share my (final) thoughts. Also please check-out JBB’s DRP (Daily Reflection Prompt)

MP3 Version:

Enjoy and please subscribe to my YouTube channel or subscribe to all of my blog posts (scroll to the right of this page to the black box that says, “FOLLOW jbbsfinalthoughts.com via email,” type in your email address and click the button).

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Episode Notes/Script/Post:

Joe Bustillos here. 

How long has it been? June 2020, I was in the process of going from teaching STEAM at Fitzgerald Elementary to teaching Robotics at Cashman Middle School.

2020-03-11 zSpace at Fitzgerald ES
2020-03-11 zSpace at Fitzgerald ES
2020-02-04 LEGO WeDo Robotics at Fitzgerald ES
2020-02-04 LEGO WeDo Robotics at Fitzgerald ES

I really hoped that I could pump out at least one new podcast each month. I have spent the last two and a half years creating my curriculum, first completely remote with no access to actual robots, then fully face-to-face with students who have forgotten and some who have rejected any civil norms of being a student in a classroom.

2021-02-11 Online Teaching Looks Like This
2021-02-11 Online Teaching Looks Like This
2021-04-20 Cashman Robotics Room 300
2021-04-20 Cashman Robotics Room 300

So the podcast fell victim to the demands of creating the world in six period increments daily to a largely silent invisible audience and then to a mostly nice but also suffering the misbehavior of a handful of malcontents. Ack. I regularly field the question “do you like teaching?” I love what I do, but in the moment it can really depend on which group of proto-humans I’m working with. 

2020-03-03 Reading Week - funny Hair Day
2020-03-03 Reading Week – funny Hair Day

So the reason for this post? A teacher next to my room told me that his students had “discovered” my podcast and then a bit later I heard the intro music to my podcast coming from his room. That was an interesting experience.

JBB's Final Thoughts YouTube page
JBB’s Final Thoughts YouTube page

And then another teacher mentioned to me that he had heard my podcast and started listening to it. He hadn’t finished the episode but said he remembered a reference to Jimmy Carter from the episode… Wow.


All this to say that I kind of feel like I need to post new content… So here we are. 

I’m still not sure if I have the bandwidth to continue doing the video version of this podcast. As much as I believe that video is much more “personal” and I believe in the format, I just don’t have the time needed to write, produce, shoot and edit a “regular” video production. But I’m thinking, if I discipline myself, i can squeak out a “regular” audio podcast, especially one like this episode which is all talking heads. I don’t know. What do you think. Seems that most “find” the podcast via YouTube and not the audio versions posted on Apple or Google or RSS. So, let me know in the comments what works for you.

So in this episode, I don’t know that I want to attempt to do some summary about what’s been happening in my life over the past two and a half years (other than the “online to malcontents” summary that I posted above). This week I informed the school district that this will be my last year teaching the Middle School/Public school face-to-face grind. So, for me the countdown begins, twenty-six weeks done, fourteen more to go. 

2020-05-21 Adios Fitzgerald & Thanks
2020-05-21 Adios Fitzgerald & Thanks

Like I said before, I love what I do, but I can’t keep up the pace of coming up with new curriculum for two to four subjects on a daily basis over 180 days per year, giving meaningful feedback to the efforts of over 180 students in a timely manner and chasing down a dozen or so disruptive individuals who are dedicated to fucking up my efforts and the efforts of their classmates. But I decided last October, because of the efforts I put producing the daily writing prompts for my Mentorship class and the minimal efforts put into responding to said prompts by my students, I decided to post these daily prompts on my main blog under the category: JBB’s Daily Reflection Prompt (or JBB’s DRP for short). I’ll post the URL in the show notes: https://joebustillos.com/category/jbbs-daily-reflection-prompt/

JBB's Daily Reflection Prompt category on joebustillos.com blog
JBB’s Daily Reflection Prompt category on joebustillos.com blog

 Please check it out and feel free to respond in the blog comments. 

As for what I’m going to do after this school year, I’d like to make some connection with some media outlet where I can use my writing and communication skills and still pull down a living wage for probably the next five years or so (hopefully without the need to relocate from the Las Vegas area, but you never know, given a possible offer…). So, stay tuned. 

Keychron K2 keyboard-red-esc
Keychron K2 keyboard-red-esc

Over the summer I moved my blogs and this podcast to a different online host (BlueHost), so now would be a good time to go to the blog/website (NOT FACEBOOK!), find the subscribe with email window, and add your email so that you get these periodic digital adventures in self-awareness from a 60-something educated single cis-male with delusions of relevance, humor and honest curiosity.

joebustillos.com homepage
joebustillos.com homepage

Posting my writing prompts daily has been a bit of a challenge. Let’s see if I can fall into a working routine with this podcast… Stay tuned. 

I sincerely hope that you are able to greet each day as a gift to realize your meaningful existence and find some opportunity to leave your mark in the fabric of our shared reality. In other words, enjoy the ride. Until the next time, this is Joe Bustillos with JBB’s Final Thoughts. Enjoy. 

Creative Commons License
JBB’s Final Thoughts (podcast) by Joseph Bustillos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.